snowy school run...

Gorgeous school run this morning,  
even though I'm ready for some warmer weather!
May's just around the corner and its 1 degree and snowing! what's going on?

After I took these photos a little snow blizzard blew over the top of Cliff, 
and it was bloody brilliant! 
You know you're alive walking over the hills with the wind and snow in your face!

I walked past some school kids with no coats on!?? 
What is it with Yorkshire school kids who refuse to wear a coat even in icy winds and snow? 
Is it that uncool to stay dry and warm?

Call me old fashioned or a big softie but I'm not as hard core as your average 13 year old and while I was passing one kid in cotton shirt and school jumper I had on my vest, 2 pairs of socks, walking boots, 2 jumpers, bobble hat and my parker fastened to the top!

Stay lovely and warm this bank holiday weekend!


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