Relief printing our imaginary friends...

My little 'Draw me a story' after school club love creating characters.
Their favourite characters to draw are imaginary friends, and many of these friends now join us at the club.  ( I nearly sat on one imaginary friend, who was not impressed in the slightest and therefore didn't come to the following week! )

So we decided to take all their wonderful sketch book ideas from over the past terms and do some relief printing....

What fabulous results! 

It was a little chaotic and as most of the one hour sessions go in a blur of creative energy, drama and fun induced mess, I think it all went rather well!....

Cassius was impressed!

Can't wait to display all these fabulous prints!


  1. Those are FABULOUS! What did they carve the images onto?

    1. They worked on polystyrene tiles with blunt pencils! works a treat! :)


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