Hydrangea and Mustard

Finally finished Hydrangea and mustard this week at the print workshop
first finished print of the year! 

It felt blooming lovely to be back in the print room again getting paint on my fingers and soaked in the wash room!

 I was inspired by the iconic graphics on this old catering tin of Colemans mustard powder that I found on an online antique shop. My Grandad always had mustard in his lunchtime sandwiches which came from a little tin of mustard powder. My grandma then mixed it up in an egg cup with a drop of water and a tiny wee spoon.

As a kid I would always try a bit on the end on my tongue and then do an Oscar winning performance of how hot and horrid it was! 

Because the tin is so large I put in it some of the big headed Hydrangea from our garden. 
At the time they were such a gorgeous bluey green, tipped with magenta pink and powder blue, 
just getting ready to turn into their Autumn glory. 

I love the nostalgia and memories this image conjures up of the kitchens and gardens of my childhood. 

The print is now available in my Lil Sonny Sky Etsy shop 
and will also be available at The Hepworth print fair on the Watermark Gallery stand.

Happy Friday!


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