Lil Sonny Sky's book of the week...

I picked this gorgeous Ladybird book up from the Oxfam book shop in York for Skyla because they were studying birds in class. 
Now that spiring is here, Yay!!!, every morning I'm woken at 5 by the lovely dawn chorus, so we've had this book out again reading about the songs the birds sing.

I've yet to hear a "pickel-witt-it" but I'll keep listening out!

Such a wonderful book, perfect for this time of year! and
I've put it in my book shelf lovelies in my side bar.
Have a fab sing song spring day and hope you hear a little "pickel-witt-it"!!:)


  1. every ladybird book is a real treasure, I collect them, they're one of the things that remind me of my childhood in England. Lovely!

  2. Off on a tangent - this triggered memories of Donald Pleasance's character in 'The Great Escape' - my all-time favourite film, where he is giving a lecture on birds as a cover for their forgery activities!

  3. Oh what a fab 'find'. I too collect Ladybird books. I bought 'Garden Flowers' last week, it's great. :-)

  4. oh this is just a great find!

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