
Yellow is my favourite colour.

I find it hard to take a photograph that actually gives a time and a place justice, I do try! 
but I think these nearly capture the brilliance of the oil seed field we walked through on an Easter walk through Wortley...

It thundered the whole way around the walk, much to the excitement of the kids,
and only just started raining when we got back to the car,

I know I know, 
you had to do a double take because you thought it was Angelina Jolie sat with the kids, 
I get it all the time, 
it's the very rare time you'll see me in front of the camera rather than behind it!

We're having a really warm Easter, all the flowers are coming out early,
 oil seed usually isn't out till May. 
It's so beautiful as you drive about and see brilliantly bold yellow fields dotted around.

I love yellow flowers, even Dandy Lions,
the sun flower is my ultimate fave, and I couldn't agree more with this quote from the fab film Calendar Girls,

“I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life than the sunflower. For me that's because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life."

I'm going to screen print a sunflower just for myself one of these days! I stencilled sunflowers all around the wall of my kitchen in our first house!

Anyways, hope you're having a happy yellow sunny Easter!:)


  1. Oh lovely to see you amongst the yellow canola(?) Wonderful Easter here - back to the routine today! Nic

  2. Sunflowers are the best! Along with Daffodils!
    Your kids always look so happy, even doing the most simple things...its very lovely.

  3. Glorious place! Spectacular pictures! If joy was a color it would be yellow.

  4. the brilliance of yellow I bet it was even better in real life looks like a lovely day :)

  5. such a splendid photos the yellow is so bright and vivid ,the kids seams to enjoy , you all have a good easter loots of joy and love !

  6. Looks like you had a lovely day and I love your pics.

  7. YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!! Can't believe we were also at Robin Hoods Bay, need a catch up soon, miss you lovely lady N xxxxx

  8. Such a brilliant set of pics - I've been loving the contrast of the acid yellow rapeseed against the thundery grey skies today.


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