Lil Sonny Sky's book of the week...

This is one of Sonny's fave's at the mo, inspired by an Easter holiday visit to the National Railway Museum in York!

We love the illustrations ( this is my favourite with Doris' pin cushion hat!) The illustrations remind me of lots of classic 70's illustrations, so it's like going back in time when I read this over, and over.....and over....and over again!

Sonny loves to look for the snails hidden all over the illustrations, we seem to find a new one every time we read read it ..over and ...over and....

and over!


  1. Aaaaaagh that's lovely!! I miss reading big picture books. It is much more fun and engaging than pictureless books. I thought ceci was too old now but you are never too old for picture books are you. You have inspired me to get them out again. Thanks!!


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