New years resolution....

I don't usually make New Years resolutions, if I do usually they're broken within the first week, like...

"I will not buy a packet of Munchies every time I fill the car up with petrol"
......mmmm does buying a Crunchie count?

But this year I said to myself, wouldn't it be great if you could draw a portrait every month, something for myself, self indulgent, just drawing for me and if it doesn't turn out quite right it doesn't matter, it's all good, it's all practice! I love drawing portraits. I can't do them from life... I dare not try? So I draw them from photo's.

I've drawn lots of portraits in the past, I love drawing faces, I love studying faces when people talk to me.... some times I haven't quite heard what they've said for looking at the colour of their eye's or the hairs on their chin,
( some of the women round here really do need to shave!! ha ha  only joking of course!!)
 Here is some past work, here and here!

I visited the National Portrait Gallery in London once, went down on the train on my own and absolutely loved it! I lost myself in those amazing portraits and the stories behind them and didn't want to come home.

So, this is January's, ' Sonny with chunky Lego'. 
I drew and painted it last night whilst drinking wine and listening to Chris put the kids to bed! 
Now I'm excited to do February's..... maybe the wine helps?!!
Hopefully by the end of the year I'll have 12 portraits, fingers crossed this is a resolution I can keep....well there's a good chance as it doesn't involve chocolate!


  1. What a great idea! I love the painting of Sonny - you are so good at portraits. Can't believe it only took one evening!! Absolutely gorgeous! xx

  2. A fantastic picture! But why limit it to only one a month?

  3. You should do it from life, you do such a fantastic job from photos. You can do it!!
    The hairy chin made me laugh ;o)

  4. Oh my... you're an incredible portrait artist! Just brilliant!


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